This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by BlackFreelance 8 years, 8 months ago.
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› Forums › The Black Freelancer Forum › July Challenge: Improving Your Freelance Skills
This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by BlackFreelance 8 years, 8 months ago.
Post your challenge progress, questions, and comments here!
Week 1: Defining your freelance skills
Week 2: General Skills
Week 3: Specific skills
Week 4: Niche skills
General Skills
These are skills that any and every freelancer uses to build their business and grow as a freelancer. This includes sales, blogging, basic web competence, social media, marketing, communication, etc.
Specific Skills
This is knowledge and skills that are specific to your freelance skillset. As a business writer, for me, it’s things such as content marketing, grammar and punctuation, and storytelling…if you’re a photographer it might be composition and photo editing.
Niche Skills
Your niche will have some skills or knowledge that are particular to it and the people who work in it. In healthcare, that could be an understanding of patient privacy laws. In military, it might be an understanding of the government contracting process.
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