This post will help you with Phase 1 of the Black Freelance Foundations Workbook…if you haven’t started yours yet, download it now! OK, so Black folk on Twitter illuminated some stuff for me today — namely that a lot of people think it’s completely cool that some media platforms don’t pay their writers…you know…because “freelance”, […]
From Nurse To Writer…
This post will help you with Phase 1 of the Black Freelance Foundations Workbook…if you haven’t started yours yet, download it now! I see writing gigs for nurses specifically quite frequently, and honestly, the healthcare field is in dire need of writers with practical insight into patient experiences and how everything runs internally. Any nurse looking […]
3 Easy Content Marketing Ideas For Freelancers
Missy Elliot And The Powerful Elegance Of Evergreen Content
Sometimes Pandora just fails me. I don’t listen to music while I’m at the gym, but I do during my drive there. That of course means I keep a few stations that get me amped up…they’re a mix of 2000s hip hop, reggaeton, trap, and some Southern rap. Sometimes though, I think the people at […]
From Writer To Content Marketer: Finding The Money In Writing
This post will help you with Phase 1 and 2 of the Black Freelance Foundations Workbook…if you haven’t started yours yet, download it now! What’s the best way for a Black writer to make a living writing? That can be a difficult question to answer since there are so many types of writers — poets, […]
Writing Great Blog Posts (That Get You More Clients)
This post will help you with Phase 3 of the Black Freelance Foundations Workbook…if you haven’t started yours yet, download it now! Being able to write a blog post that attracts attention, informs potential clients, and moves them to action is a skill that’s essential to any freelancer. Whether you’re a writer or web developer, […]
Finding Freelance Clients: Black Fashion Edition
Finding Freelance Clients: Black Fashion Edition Your favorite sites probably live and breathe by free content…i.e., people like you doing great (or not so great) work for them for absolutely nothing. This would be an obvious problem anywhere else in the world — I used to go to a gym where the vast majority of […]
10 Things Freelancers Should Blog About
Blogging sells what you do without the work. That’s why I’m a firm believer in maintaining an online presence, even if your goal isn’t to become “a blogger”. Especially in freelancing, it helps to demonstrate knowledge, your ability to communicate, it creates a platform to show off your skills, and is proof that you’re engaged […]
How Proper Should My English Be?
Proper English does not exist. Let’s just get that out there. No one way one person speaks this language is any more factually correct than, or superior to another. Language is about communication, and whether you freelance as a writer or an app developer, strong and effective communication — being understood — is crucial to […]